Left high school with what used to be called "University Entrance." Was selected by a large organisation as part of a group that they were prepared to sponsor through the Bachelor of Engineering course. That would have required one further year of high school. However, none of this ever happened, as the elders had some sway over my parents (non-JWs, but at that time were "studying" with a pioneer couple). Instead, I commenced an apprenticeship as a telecommincations technician.
However, that, too wasn't good enough for the local elders, who made me abandon my apprenticeship after 12 months - to get set up for "the full time ministry."
Fortunately, I was later able to take up my trade training again:
- not exactly in the same field I had started out in, but at least in a trade with something in common.
Formal Qualifications:
(i) Licensed Electrician (The Australian States of Queensland ,Tasmania and South Australia - plus also Papua New Guinea and New Zealand)
(ii) Certificate of Engineering (City & Guilds)
These were enough to get me into the Electrical Testing side of the trade, which was the one that interested me the most. With the experience I then gained through working at the testing and commissioning of large power plants , I was later able to work my way into a senior management role. However - and this is a big however - that was only possible by electing to live in some violence prone Third World country:
- the same position in Australia (or similar countries) would require at leasta Bachelor of Engineering degree.
Currently employed on a large mining site, looking after the High Voltage infrastructure. My previous industry experience was enough to get me the job. However, I am now having to gain formal engineering qualifications in order to retain it. Since August, I have been enrolled on an online course in engineering, which will lead to an Advanced Diploma, plus membership of the Institute of Engineers.
The often-repeated, glib remark that it is "never too late" is true enough as far as it goes (I proved that by completing an adult apprenticeship as a married man with three young children). However, like most other glib statements, this one also does not quite go far enough! An adult apprenticeship was rough going, very hard on my family, and outright destructive on my marriage. The online course, too, after putting in (what is for me) a typical eleven hour workday does require, shall we say, certain sacrifices!
To any young persons lurking here, don't do what I did. While it is possible to pick it up later, you are saving yourself a lot of grief by entering the degree course straight from high school.
PS: And #!^& the JW religion that takes on themselves to bash education and frighten their young peolpe of a college education !